Come on over and join me and the girls at
Sisterhood of Scrap (SOS)! This is a great place to hang out, meet other like-minded crafters, and have a good time!! January happenings at SOS:
*We are going to be having a photo challenge by our esteemed photographer Sonya!! (Can't wait foir this one!).
*Maggi is going to present a PhotoShop Elements (PSE) Challenge along with some tuts!!
*Colleen, our culinary queen, is going to host a Recipe Challenge of sorts!!
*We are going to be presenting a "Sister Blog" of the month!! Not telling you who the first one will be 'cause I don't know!
*We are going to be having a one-hour crop on January 23d hosted by Helen!
*We are going to be holding a "January White Sale" Contest (that will be flipping amazing!) wth a prize to be won.
*And there will be a few other things too, but I can't tell you yet...
Come on over and join in!! Looking forward to seeing you over there soon!!