The Learning Factory in Brantford, one of my favorite stores around here, had a DT call, I applied, and I made it!!! I love all the product in Joanne's store... all my faves... Graphic 45, Webster's Pages, October Afternoon, Echo Park, Prima, and many more!!!
I picked up my kit a couple of weeks ago, and it was filled with Basic Grey's Curio patterned papers, some Zva bling, Prima flowers, and some extra goodies!!
Here is what I made for this month! We could only use what was in the kit, and I must say.. that was a challenge!!!!!
This first layout was made using a lot of techniques I learnt from my good friend
Maggi at
Sisterhood of Scrap!

This next one is a double pager.. very simple but I think it turned out ok!
It has been years since I did a double pager!! Way too much real estate if you ask me!! LOL!

With the left over scraps and such, I made 5 note cards:

Also.. a bit of information.. Joanne has recently bought another LSS in Kitchener, and is definitly closer to me, and was already one of my faves...
The Scrapping Bug. There is an on-line store at this one, it is Canadian, and has fantastic servies!! I know she is geting a ton of new stuff in too!!!
Anyhoo... thanks for stopping by and having a peek!!